Thanks again for the galvanising post, Alexandra! They always seem to come just when I need them: an extra push up and over the tall, forbidding wall...

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Anything to keep you writing, Emma! Let me know how it's going when you get a chance.

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Katy's right. Of course you need an editor. I am an editor and I still need an editor for my own writing. Smart doctors don't treat themselves (except on TV) and only foolish lawyers represent themselves (even on TV).

Too many of my clients show up with unrealistic expectations about writing a novel that they wouldn't have about any other new career. I blame everyone's third grade teacher. (Sorry, Mrs. Fischer, but it is your fault my life turned out this way.) Well, maybe that's why pawn shops have so many lightly used guitars for sale. But I digress.

Go read Katy's post. Choosing an editor is hard. You do get what you pay for, but just because someone's expensive doesn't mean they're good for YOU. If they won't do a sample edit for free and meet with you up front (also for free) to see if you're both a good match, keep looking.

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