Yes any writing time spent no matter how little is valuable. But you have something to say. If you don't, those fifteen minutes are gonna seem like three hours : )

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Richard, that's why even roughly working out the structure first, as a road map, is so deeply reassuring. Then when you're bashing through that terrifying first draft, you always know at least SOME of what is going to happen next, and with that skeleton of a plot you really can flesh it out really quickly.

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Yes absolutely. Some writing friends are on the same project years and years. I tell them to start again and whack out a draft in 3 or 4 months. They don't like that : )

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Post is spot on and very timely! With all the craziness going on in the world right now writing has become my place of calm--I've even had fun composing the dreaded blurbs this week, lol. Making time to write can be tough I know, but the calming effect has been a much-welcomed sanctuary for me the past few months. Thanks for the film rec, I know what I'll be watching this weekend! Cheers, Veronica

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A sanctuary is so right! I'm glad to hear writing is being that for you. I know would have to be committed if I didn't have it right now. I think any mystery writer will get tons out of this film - let me know what you think!

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Great description. Yes, this is why I write. Now where did I put that 15 minutes?

“I love getting lost in writing. It’s so egoless, the writing process. It’s profoundly meditative. I am deeply satisfied and even calm after a good writing day. I crave that meditation and that satisfaction.”

Now let me see…Ah yes, watching all those South Korean films on Netflix & observing their tricks/patterns, that counts, right? Their uses of classical music it’s delicious.

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I'm happy to hear that meditative aspect resonates with you, Laura. It's a really good reason to find those 15 minutes, right? :) Yes, your days of watching those movies consciously are non-zero days.

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